606 RW Harris Dr, Manton, MI 49663 • Monday – Friday 7AM-5PM
Rental Equipment
The tools you need to get the job done right.
Equipment Rentals
John Deere 624J Loader w/ Loader Attachment Options
$600.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Komatsu PC150 Excavator
$700.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
John Deere 450J Dozer
$600.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Felling 16′ Dump Trailer
$125.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Moritz 12′ Dump Trailer
$125.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Power Washer Open Station Trailer
$150.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
John Deere 310SG Backhoe
$350.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Power Washer Enclosed Trailer
$150.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Dyna Firewood Processor SC 14
$550.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
$75.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
John Deere 310K Backhoe
$350.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
JLG 450 Man Lift
$300.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
$350.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Oregon Log Splitter
$50.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Griffin 14′ Dump Trailer
$125.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Cat 312 Excavator W/ Manual Thumb
$600.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
JLG Skytrak 6042
$350.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Bobcat E26 Mini Ex W/ 12″, 18″, 24″ Bucket
$300.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Bobcat T590 Skid Steer W/ Bucket and Forks
$300.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Laser Level
$75.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Bobcat T590 Skid Steer W/ Bucket and Augers
$350.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Bobcat T590 Skid Steer w/ Bucket
$300.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Dozer 700/750
$800.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Case Skid steer with Bucket, Forks & Augers
$400.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Jack Hammer
$250.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
$250.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Kubota Mini Ex
$400.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Dyna Firewood Processor SC 15
$550.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505 -
Dyna Firewood Processor SC 16
$550.00Available for rent in store only (231)824-9505